2023 Football

To become a football official, see our "Info" page on the left-hand side of the screen.

The 2023 test questions have been posted in the table on the right.

Local meetings start at 6:45 PM in the Feller Club Room inside Carver-Hawkeye Arena.

Meetings for 2023:

  • Sunday, August 6, MIBT Officials Clinic, 12:00 - 4:00 PM
  • Monday, August 7, ICAOA Annual Meeting, Kinnick, 6:30 PM
  • Tuesday, August 8, IHSAA Football Clinic, IC Liberty HS, 6:30 PM
  • Thursday, August 10, ICAOA local meeting, Carver
  • Monday, August 14, ICAOA local meeting, Carver
  • Monday, August 21, ICAOA local meeting, Pacha Family Club in Kinnick Stadium
  2023   IHSAA
  2022   IHSAA
  2021   IHSAA
  2020   IHSAA
  2019   IHSAA
  2017   IHSAA
  2016   IHSAA
Part I 2010 Part II  
Part I 2009 Part II  
Part I 2008 Part II  
Part I 2007 Part II  
Part I 2006 Part II  

Part I

2005 Part II  

Past Meetings

This schedule is for reference only! Official records are now maintained on ArbiterSports.com.

Football Season Level
Ref Scrimmage
School H H/V Before this season Varsity
Today through a week: 7/26 - 8/2 This season on Non-Varsity
*Pick a date m/d/yyyy Click here to select from a calendar All on record Postseason
All wo/cncl w/cncl All
Assigned by:

ICAOA records start in 2003. Football seasons run from 1/1 to 12/31.
Records are displayed 25 at a time by default. Javascript and cookies must be enabled.